You M.A.T.R; -How to get ahead in life and avoid struggles as a Military Service Member or Veteran.

A self-paced, personal workshop created by a veteran for veterans who want to truly live by making the most of their life, get ahead of any future life-struggles, and for those veterans struggling right now...this is the light to get out of that dark place.
view_module Modules 6
menu_book Sessions 19

About This Product:

22 Veterans A Day is a number that should be getting smaller, but it's not.   Join me in in trying to track a different number...The number of how many a day choose to live instead.

Choose to live, not just to be living, but to feel and be alive.

I dare you to take advantage my challenge with live huddles unless like you enjoy "embracing the suck", then this may not be for you.

- This challenge is for for those who are serious about not having to learn and live life the hard way so they can get ahead decades sooner than they would have on their own.
- This challenge is for military service members and veterans who are tired of computer based training modules, mandatory training that doesn't scratch the itch, and "help" that misses the mark. 

- It is for those who wish they could find better mentorship, and a positive community of like minds but don't know where to look.

- It is for those who are serious about putting their pain behind them, so they can focus on the opportunities in front of them.
You earned them and you learned them, Now use YOUR military skills and discipline to get ahead in life with clarity, direction, fewer self induced struggles and less heartache. 
These are simple, easy to-to-learn tools created by a veteran for those who want to get more out of life by maximizing opportunities and minimizing personal risk and struggles while preparing yourself for when (not IF) a struggle comes for you, and this system empowers you to get out of the struggle you might be enduring right now.

When life takes you by surprise, you'll have the tools to take immediate guided actions to resolve any personal problem from daily life struggles all the way to traumatic emotional events resulting in one or many life crisis...

AND...when times are exceptionally dark, learn how to interrupt and stop a sequence of events before your life struggle becomes a crisis ending in a self inflicted tragedy.

My name is Chris Roness.  I’m sharing some lessons I’ve learned during the last 27 years in the military as a combat veteran, aviator, and leader.  I’ve experienced a lot of challenges and adversity but I’m better for having experienced it all; tons of victories and struggles to include achieving impossible goals and coping with death of friends, family, and even a child. I’ve experienced the fog of war and lost brothers and sisters in arms to both combat AND self inflicted tragedies…but I have also been blessed enough to help save some from death and help some to save themselves.  Now I've taken what I learned and created this course for you, because you selflessly sacrificed for your nation and now it's time to give back to yourself, because you matter.

In this private one-on-one course, I'll give you some tools and guide you through an honest conversation with yourself to help you identify, connect, and strengthen your personal relationships to build an indestructible support team, learn how to identify and neutralize the enemy within, build on your strengths, smash old habits and beliefs and build new ones, and have an actionable plan to SAVE YOU from yourself for when (not "IF") life events become an unmanageable crisis....

...all while dialing in your purpose, creating healthy ways to revive relationships, and build opportunities to improve your physical and mental health, finances, and place of living... because you matter!

This course has been designed to help veterans who are struggling with their purpose after the military and for those who want to just get organized and get ahead with a framework that makes sense based on an aviation model and military experiences.  
You will discover:
  • How to build a group of your closest confidants and connect them in a way you've never before seen
  • How to find a deeper purpose after life in the military
  • Learn how to achieve post traumatic growth
  • How to identify your deepest values and dial in your purpose
  • Find your blindspots
  • DISCOVER where your weaknesses lie and how to use your strengths to overcome them
  • Setting goals and tracking them with one simple technique
  • How to prepare for anything life can throw at you and even how to respond for those unplanned surprises
  • A simple memory tool to help you conquer darkness when enduring the hardest challenges life can bring
  • *BONUS* - Safety Plan to save you from yourself
  • *BONUS* -  Get Awesome Scale for dialing in your challenges 
  • *BONUS* - Free resources and reference tools only for veterans
  • *BONUS* - One 30 min free one on one session with me to help construct your plan, and Q&A.
  • *BONUS* - One weekly LIVE group session to ask any questions, and to deep dive on the fundamentals of this system
  • PLUS FREE WORKSHEETS with TEMPLATES! - For tracking goals, building your plan, and preparing for your best life ever
  • BONUS*  - Access for live!  This system is continually improving and you'll always have access to any new content!

You will also learn:
  • A way to reach our for help during the darkest of times while still saving face
  • PTSD techniques resources that you probably don't know about 
  • Some really cool aviation techniques that apply to life, and are still used by pilots today
  • About all the free veteran resources available to veterans from both government and non-profit organizations who's purpose is to help you have the better and fuller life that you deserve.

When you enroll today, you can immediately begin laying the foundation for finding a new purpose, a new way of thinking, and getting your life on the fast track to success while gaining a personal understanding of yourself.

It's never too late to change your course to a better life, so what are you waiting for? you really have something more important to do than building a foundation for a better life?

All Six Modules - Full workshop Total Value: $197.00
PLUS Worksheets & BONUS Materials: $150.00
TOTAL VALUE  $ 347.00

**30-Day No-Risk Guarantee**

I'm so confident in this course that enrollment today is 100% guaranteed.

Enroll today, try the course and if you are not happy for any reason, just request a refund and it will be given, no questions asked!

You have ZERO RISK, so enroll today!

The training is intended for informational and educational purposes, it is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment. Please consult your medical professional before making changes to your diet, exercise routine, medical regimen, lifestyle, and/or mental health care

For this course, you’re only going to get out of it what you put into it: It won’t cure PTSD, but it does address contributing factors, & It  addresses  bad habits, but won't fix addictions if self-medicating.

If you are in an incredibly dark place right now, please do not delay to call the crisis hotline right now: 1-800-273-8255 (veterans press 1) or TEXT at 838255, OR TEXT/Dial 988.  You matter, call now!

Program Details

Turn your "mess" into "success" - a vision qwest
Available Now
Life Guards
Lessons from Aviation History - How to prepare for an emergency BEFORE it happens

The Cone of Life Method
Plan and Prep - Step 1 - Wellness Check - The Get Awesome Scale
Plan and Prep- Step 2- Dissecting Decisions
Plan and Prep - Step 3 - Analyzing your Strengths Weakness Opportunities and Threats (SWOT)
Plan and Prep - Step 4 - setting short term and long term goals to help focus your vision
Plan and Prep - Step 5 - Tracking your new GAS Gauge Goals
Plan and Prep - Step 6 - Identifying Your Operational Limits (future struggle potential)
Plan and Prep - Step 7 - Create your Immediate Action Plans (BOLDFACE)


Action - Fly (Live your best life!)
CRISIS - You M.A.T.R; - How to endure your darkest times when all you have is you

Graduate! Congratulations & Thank You! - Now go thank yourself by finishing the work.

Free Resources - online web links quick reference

What Do People Think About This Program?


Gordon Decker
Aug 01, 2022
Excellent course.  Highly recommend it to anyone that needs practical skills and encouragement to reach the life they long for.  The instruction and materials are very practical and easy to implement, but also can be as challenging as you want them to be so that you can improve in any area or your life. 
David Cook
Feb 26, 2023
I would highly recommend this course for anyone looking to make a change in their own life, and go in more prepared for all that life has to offer, and all that it throws at us. Thanks Chris!
Zae Errico
Apr 12, 2024
Josh Stephenson
Jun 03, 2024
Beautifully executed, easy to follow, and laid out with steps that have a foolproof way to help me avoid triggers that have led to anxiety, depression, or outbursts in the past, while simultaneously helping me to accomplishing goals that align with what I've determined to be my life's purpose. I've learned how to make realistic and obtainable goals that help me develop the attributes and virtues that I see in my higher self, or the future version of myself that I want to become. This program has helped me develop stronger social connections with important people in my life as well as my immediate family. The program has given me a 'gauge' that I can use to let those people know how well I am doing, or not doing, so that there isn't as much guess work. This program has helped me improve and grow in multiple facets of my life, and I am grateful to Chris Roness for developing it and sharing it with me.
Chris Roness

Chris "Switch Roness, Colonel(Retired), is a decorated US Air Force pilot and 27 year combat veteran. He is the Founder/CEO of Chris Roness Enterprises, LLC.
See Full Biography >
Chris "Switch Roness, Colonel(Retired), is a 27 year veteran of the USAF and is Founder/CEO of Chris Roness Enterprises, LLC. He most recently supported Special Operations as the Director of Strategic Requirements, Programs and Resources at the United States Special Operations Command Pacific (SOCPAC) in Camp H.M. Smith, Hawaii, responsible for Special Operations employment for the Indo-Pacific theater.
Chris has served at the Joint Staff and is a graduated Squadron Commander with distinguished service and leadership in Special Forces, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, Nuclear Operations, Nuclear Security, Combat Search and Rescue; and Defense Support to Civil Authorities. 
As a strategist, he has conducted leading edge research and advised key U.S. leaders on emerging trends in strategy. 
Chris is a decorated USAF pilot, who has flown in combat operations world-wide. His acumen includes human performance, mindfulness, economics, technology, finance, and banking. He has earned two Masters degrees and is dedicating his life to serving our veterans through his premier human performance and mindfulness system called "You M.A.T.R;"
See Short Biography >

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Disclosure: Disclosure: The depicted experience is not typical. Your background, education, experience, work ethic may differ. This is used as an example and not a guarantee of success. Individuals do not track the typicality of its student's experiences. Your results may vary.